Shipping policy

Form of transportation :

  • Exporting goods from VNAMALL's warehouse to customers: VNAMALL will prepare, package and send goods to the carrier for delivery to consumers.
  • Exporting goods from the warehouse of the Supplier/Brand/Partner of VNAMALL: orders are shipped from the warehouse of the Brand/Supplier. The brand/supplier will directly prepare the goods, package them and deliver them to the carrier to send the goods to you according to VNAMALL's regulations.

Cooperating shipping unit:

  • VNAMALL or its partners and suppliers (NCC) can choose to cooperate with reputable shipping companies in Vietnam with the following criteria: Quality service, fast delivery, cost savings...
  • Some shipping units that we often cooperate with for delivery include but are not limited to:

Delivery scope: VNAMALL provides domestic delivery services, including Ho Chi Minh City and surrounding areas as well as other areas of Vietnam.

Estimated delivery time nationwide:

    Other shipping terms:

    • Inspect the goods: We recommend that you immediately inspect the outer packaging for damage. If you discover any damage, please notify our customer service team immediately so we can help resolve it.
    • Delivery fee: Delivery fee will be determined based on your order amount and delivery address, you can check the final delivery fee at checkout.
    • Lost or damaged items: If your order is lost or damaged during delivery, please contact our customer service team immediately. We will handle your issue immediately, including refund or exchange.
    • Return and refund policy: More detailed information about return and refund policy, please refer to our website.
    • Contact us: If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy or any other issue, please contact our customer service team at any time. You can contact by email, phone or through the contact form on our website.